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How to Keep a Car Cool in Summer?

How to Keep a Car Cool in Summer?

Did you know that your car's interior can heat up to 20 degrees Fahrenheit in just 10 minutes during a hot summer day? That's enough to make any trip uncomfortable, if not unbearable. But don't worry, there are effective measures you can take to keep your car cool in the sweltering heat. 

So, how can you prevent your car from turning into an oven this summer? Let's discuss some of these proven strategies and how they can enhance your comfort and protect your vehicle's interior. Stick around, you won't want to miss this.

Key Takeaways

  • Park your car in the shade or a garage to significantly reduce interior temperature.
  • Utilize a sunshade to block direct sunlight and keep the car's interior cooler.
  • Consider window tinting, which can decrease the amount of heat entering the vehicle.
  • Open the windows slightly to allow for airflow while still maintaining car security.
  • Use a car cover for protection against the sun's rays, which helps keep the car cooler.

Why Is the Heat Dangerous?

You might wonder why summer heat poses such a threat to your car - well, excessive heat can cause significant damage to both your vehicle's interior and exterior. Heat dangers are real and understanding them is an essential part of summer safety. 

Heatwaves can warp your car's exterior, and the relentless sun can fade your paint job. Your car's interior doesn't fare any better. High temperatures can cause your upholstery to crack or fade. 

Your dashboard, particularly if it's dark-colored, absorbs heat and can reach scorching temperatures. Mechanical components aren't immune either. Your car's battery can suffer, causing fluid to evaporate and potentially leading to breakdowns. Finally, the heat can increase tire pressure, affecting your car's handling and safety.

man driving in the summer heat

How to Keep Your Car Cool in Summer?

Keeping your car cool during the summer months can be a challenge. By parking in the shade or a garage, tinting your windows, and using a sunshade or car cover, you can greatly reduce the temperature inside your vehicle. Let's discuss these strategies and how they can help keep your car cool.

Park in the Shade

Seeking out a shaded parking spot can greatly lower your car's interior temperature during those scorching summer days. 

The benefits of shade are clear: it helps protect your car from sun damage and reduces the inside temperature, making it more comfortable when you return. However, remember that shade moves throughout the day, and a spot that's shaded in the morning may be in full sun by afternoon.

Choosing between tree shade and building shade, tree shade is usually cooler due to transpiration, but comes with drawbacks like bird droppings and falling sap. Building shade, on the other hand, is more reliable but may be harder to find. In either case, some shade is always better than none.

Park in a Garage

While parking in the shade can help, an even more effective method to keep your car cool during the summer is to park it in a garage. Garages offer multiple benefits when it comes to cooling your car. 

These include:

  • Decreased exposure to sunlight: Garages shield your car from the intense sun rays, reducing the internal temperature.
  • Protection of car parts: The reduced heat helps prolong the life of your car's parts, including the seats, dashboard, and tires.
  • Increased security: Garages also provide an added layer of security against theft.

However, garage benefits can only be fully enjoyed with proper maintenance. Some maintenance tips for your garage include keeping it clean, ensuring proper ventilation, and regularly checking for any signs of damage. This way, you'll keep your car cool and in top shape.

car in garage

Tint Your Windows

Another important method to maintain a cooler car during hot summer months is to tint your windows. Window tint benefits are numerous. Tinting blocks a significant amount of solar heat, reducing the burden on your car's AC and keeping the interior cooler. 

Before diving in, understand the installation process. Professional installation guarantees a smooth, bubble-free finish and ensures longevity. It's important to choose the right tint darkness. Darker tints offer more heat and UV protection but may limit visibility. 

After installation, maintain your tint by cleaning with a soft cloth and non-ammonia cleaner to prevent scratches and fading. Remember, state laws vary on tint darkness, so check your local regulations.

Cover Your Vehicle

To keep your car cool during the sweltering summer months, consider investing in a quality car cover. This easy solution provides excellent heat protection, blocking the sun's damaging rays and reducing your vehicle's interior temperature. But remember, cover maintenance is important. 

Here's what you need to do:

  • Clean your cover regularly. Dirt and dust can scratch your car's paint.
  • Dry it thoroughly before using. Storing it damp might cause mold and mildew.
  • Check for wear and tear. Small tears can become big problems if not addressed.
  • Store it properly when not in use. This prolongs its lifespan.

Use a Sunshade

Just as a car cover can protect your vehicle from the sun's rays, a sunshade serves a similar purpose but specifically for your car's windshield. One of the key sunshade benefits is it reflects the sun's heat away from your vehicle, keeping the interior cooler. It also prevents sun damage to your dashboard and upholstery.

Sunshades are typically made of reflective aluminum material which is effective in bouncing the sun's heat away. The installation process is simple, you just have to unfold it and place it against your windshield.

Remember to choose a sunshade that fits your windshield properly. A gap will allow sunlight in, reducing its effectiveness. So, using a sunshade is an easy, cost-effective way to keep your car cool in summer.

How Does the Heat Affect Your Car Interior?

Without proper precautions, intense summer heat can wreak havoc on your car's interior, leading to increased temperatures, UV damage, and premature aging of upholstery and trim. The heat impact can cause your car's dashboard to crack or fade, while leather seats may become hot and uncomfortable.

Interior protection and cooling techniques are essential for car maintenance in the summer. 

Here's how the heat can affect your car interior:

  • Heat can warp and crack your dashboard.
  • Leather seats can get uncomfortably hot.
  • UV rays can fade the color of your upholstery.
  • The temperature inside can become dangerously high.

How to Prevent Your Car Getting Hot in the First Place?

Keeping your car cool starts with proactive steps to prevent it from heating up excessively in the first place. You can employ various cooling methods and preventive measures. For instance, consider parking in a shaded area or even better, a garage. 

This alone can greatly reduce your car's interior temperature. Additionally, using a sunshade can help to keep the interior cooler by blocking direct sunlight. You should also think about window tinting, which can decrease the amount of heat entering your vehicle. 

Remember to crack the windows slightly to allow for airflow, but be mindful of your car's security. Finally, a car cover can offer a layer of protection against the sun's rays. By taking these steps, you'll have a cooler, more comfortable ride this summer.


So, isn't it worth taking a few extra steps to keep your car cool and your rides comfortable in the heat of summer? Remember, parking in the shade, tinting your windows, and using a car cover can greatly reduce the interior temperature. 

Not only does this preserve your car's interior, but it also makes those summer drives much more enjoyable. Why suffer through a scorching car when you can beat the heat with ease?

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • What Are the Benefits of Using a Car Cover in Summer?

  • Using a car cover in summer has several benefits. The cover material blocks sunlight, reducing the car's interior temperature. It also protects your car's paint from harmful UV rays.
  • How Can Window Tinting Help Keep My Car Cool?

  • The tinting materials help block up to 65% of solar heat, keeping your car cool. The installation process is essential, ensuring maximum effectiveness. So, while you're enjoying the sleek look of your tinted windows, you're also saying goodbye to that oven-like car interior.
  • Are There Any Car Regulations or Laws Specific to Summer Months?

  • There aren't specific summer parking rules or laws. However, seasonal vehicle maintenance is important. You should regularly check oil levels, tire pressure, and coolant in the hotter months. Poor maintenance can lead to overheating, which is more common in summer.

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